In our latest and unfortunate addition to the annals of Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers a pair of Brooklyn thieves take advantage of a seller’s negligence.

According to police, 20-year-old Subhan Shah agreed to meet another man, 28, to buy a pair of sneakers that were advertised on social media. The seller arrive at the predetermined location at 12:55 p.m. , exited his vehicle and handed to shoes to Shah so he could look them over.
Police said as this was happening, Sain Sajjad Khawaja ,24, approached, his face covered by a red bandana and tried to punch the man in the face. According to law enforcement, Shah made a gesture to indicate that he had a gun in his waistband and then grabbed the sneakers and both men fled. The two men got into a 2012 Chevrolet Camaro and drove off; the victim then called 911.
Shortly thereafter officers spotted the car and pulled it over. Upon investigation it was revealed that it was Shah and Khawajawere in the car and both were placed under arrest. The shoes were recovered but no weapons were found. Shah and Khawaja were both charged with first and second-degree robbery. Khawaja was also charged with various vehicle violations. Both men were arraigned in First District Court in Hempstead on October 12.